Australian Gun Safety Alliance PO Box 5192 South Melbourne VIC 3205
The Australian Gun Safety Alliance
The Australian Gun Safety Alliance (AGSA) is a broad coalition of voices representing the interests of the community in ensuring that we maintain vigilance on issues of gun safety. AGSA Members are from the public health, medical, hospital, first responders, unions and children services sectors along with faith organisations and those involved with preventing family violence.
AGSA is not politically aligned and receives no corporate or individual donations. It is funded by philanthropic donations and in-kind services by members.
The Australian Gun Safety Alliance understands that the majority of gun owners in Australia are law-abiding, responsible people who certainly are not criminals. However, Australian Governments must do everything in their power to avoid a slide towards a US culture of gun entitlement.
We believe that the onus of firearm laws and regulations should be on public safety and not for the convenience or commercial interests of a few. This is the overriding principle of the National Firearms Agreement which has served Australians well.
Our members
Our supporters
If you would like to be kept up to date with issues and developments from AGSA please leave us your details.