Australia is very fortunate to have a strong firearm safety framework that is supported by all governments.
Some recent developments, like the National Firearm Register, are a significant step forward.
However, the firearm industry is commercially led, has strong influence and works hard to push their agenda of greater access to firearms. This is despite overwhelming evidence that Australians want stronger gun laws.
The industry is out of step with the community.
We all need to make sure that our governments continue to uphold the commitment they have already made to the National Firearms Agreement.
We also need to be vigilant about the influence of candidates and political parties pushing policy platforms that would undermine – or even scrap altogether – the National Firearms Agreement.
Our democracy is stronger because of the range of views we encompass, but it can be strengthened further by increased community participation in having a voice on significant policy issues such as gun safety.
We will help supporters ensure that they are heard.
In the meantime, make sure you ask your local candidate whether they support the National Firearms Agreement.
If you wish to help further in any way, please reach out to [email protected]